UCDSB Elementary School Teachers Prepare For Strike

UPDATE Dec 17th 2012 11.50am.
The Elementary  Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) will hold a one-day strike this Thursday, December 20.
from studentsfirstalways.ca


UPDATE Dec 17th 2012 11.00am.
According to Twitter posts, UCDSB teachers will strike December 20th. No updates on studentsfirstalways.ca yet, so this is currently unconfirmed.

News from Upper Canada District School Boardupper canada school strike gananoque brockville

UCDSB Schools to Remain Open in Event of One-Day Elementary Teachers’ Strike.

Parents Encouraged to Arrange for Alternate Childcare.

(Brockville) – While the Upper Canada District School Board intends to keep schools open in the event of a one-day strike by elementary teachers, Board officials are encouraging parents to arrange for alternate childcare should a walkout occur.

A one-day strike will mean that teachers will not be in their classes and will have picket lines set up outside their schools.

ucdsb teachers strike walkoutSuperintendent David Coombs said for the benefit of parents who cannot find childcare, the Board will attempt to keep schools open and operate them on a limited basis during a one-day strike.

“We strongly encourage parents to find alternate childcare arrangements during a one-day walkout,” said Coombs. “However, we recognize that this will not be an option for many parents. To that end, our intent is to keep our schools open. Our schools will not run instructional programs and students will be congregated in locations such as gymnasiums where they will be safely supervised by non-teaching staff.”

To ensure the Board has the necessary resources in place to safely supervise students, Board officials are asking parents to “preregister” and inform their school whether their children will attend school should a teacher walkout take place. The date of a strike by ETFO has not been announced, but we expect that date to be clarified in the next few days.

Preregistration letters are being sent home with elementary students asking parents about their plans in the event of a strike. We encourage parents to fill out the preregistration forms on the letters and return them to school as soon as possible, said Coombs.

Parents can also phone or e-mail their child’s school directly, or leave a message on the school’s Facebook page, to inform their school’s administration of their intentions.

For more information, please call your local principal or:

David Coombs David Thomas
Superintendent Director of Education
Upper Canada District School Board Upper Canada District School Board
613-258-9393 ext. 2551 613-342-0371 ext. 1234

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